Welcome! I'm thrilled you're here to explore and learn more about me.

I empower you to live a life free from discrimination and oppression. 

Hey you!


I'm Nawar Sayyad, a social worker with a specialization in human rights and cultural diversity, currently pursuing a doctorate in child protection. As a cultural identity mentor and human rights activist I'm deeply passionate about fostering diversity, inclusion, and social justice, with a particular focus on cultural diversity and well-being.


Growing up as Norwegian-Palestinian and Muslim, I experienced firsthand the complexities of navigating diverse cultural identities. Despite the joys, microaggressions, identity conflicts, and Islamophobia I encountered made me question my cultural heritage, leaving me feeling ashamed at times.


However, through personal exploration and life experiences, I've found strength, pride, and personal growth in embracing my cultural identity. Now, I'm committed to sharing this journey with others, supporting them to navigate their cultural identity with confidence and pride and achieving well-being.


As a staunch advocate for human rights, I also strive to dismantle oppressive structures in society. My approach, grounded in social work principles, focuses on combating oppression, racism, and colonialism.


These four core values form the cornerstone of my business and serve as guiding principles in all my endeavors:

  • Bravery: I dismantle and oppose oppressive and colonial structures, even when it requires facing unpopularity and challenges. 🦸🏽‍♀️ 


  • Integrity: My choices and actions are grounded in transparency and fairness. 🏛


  • Knowledge: I share insights through a balanced blend of lived experience wisdom, research, and social work literature. 💡


  • Social justice: I actively advocate equal rights and opportunities for all. 🕊

Here are my resources to help you

And hey, more is coming your way😉

My free guide for you


Unlock the power of your diverse cultural identities with this resource! Get it now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

Take me there!

Stay connected and informed!

 Got questions or need guidance on your personal cultural journey? I'm here to help! Reach out to me via email with any inquiries, and I'll provide the support and answers you need to keep moving forward. My email address is [email protected]📧


But that's not all - for regular updates, insights, and inspiration, make sure to sign up for my newsletter. You'll receive monthly editions packed with valuable content, and be the first to know about any new launches or updates. Join my online community today by submitting your name and email🌟